#!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; use warnings; package dbops; our $EPD_ZAYAVKA_T = 0; our $EPD_PROBA_T = 1; our $server = "MSSQL"; our $user = "it_men"; our $pass = "itmen712"; our $dsn = "DBI:Sybase:server=$server"; our $table = 'T$_EPD_File'; our $sth; sub db_connect() { $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass) or die "unable to connect to server $DBI::errstr"; } sub db_select() { $dbh->do("use Manager"); } sub db_disconnect() { $dbh->disconnect(); } sub db_fetch($$) { my $file_type = shift; my $Ready = shift; my $i = 0; my @OrderNO; my @win_path; my @setDate; my @ReadyDate; $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT OrderNO,win_path,setDate,ReadyDate FROM $table WHERE File_type=$file_type AND Ready=$Ready AND Backed_up=0") or die("fetch"); $sth->execute( ) or die "unable to execute query! error $DBI::errstr"; # initialize to zero everything $#OrderNO = $#win_path = $#setDate = $#ReadyDate = 0; while( ($OrderNO[$i], $win_path[$i], $setDate[$i], $ReadyDate[$i]) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { # fetch by row $i++; } $sth->finish(); return( (\@OrderNO, \@win_path, \@setDate, \@ReadyDate) ); } # db_fetch() return(1);