/* $OpenBSD: rf_fifo.c,v 1.6 2002/12/16 07:01:04 tdeval Exp $ */ /* $NetBSD: rf_fifo.c,v 1.5 2000/03/04 03:27:13 oster Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Mark Holland * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /*************************************************** * * rf_fifo.c -- prioritized fifo queue code. * There are only two priority levels: hi and lo. * * Aug 4, 1994, adapted from raidSim version (MCH) * ***************************************************/ #include "rf_types.h" #include "rf_alloclist.h" #include "rf_stripelocks.h" #include "rf_layout.h" #include "rf_diskqueue.h" #include "rf_fifo.h" #include "rf_debugMem.h" #include "rf_general.h" #include "rf_options.h" #include "rf_raid.h" #include "rf_types.h" /* Just malloc a header, zero it (via calloc), and return it. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void * rf_FifoCreate(RF_SectorCount_t sectPerDisk, RF_AllocListElem_t *clList, RF_ShutdownList_t **listp) { RF_FifoHeader_t *q; RF_CallocAndAdd(q, 1, sizeof(RF_FifoHeader_t), (RF_FifoHeader_t *), clList); q->hq_count = q->lq_count = 0; return ((void *) q); } void rf_FifoEnqueue(void *q_in, RF_DiskQueueData_t *elem, int priority) { RF_FifoHeader_t *q = (RF_FifoHeader_t *) q_in; RF_ASSERT(priority == RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY || priority == RF_IO_LOW_PRIORITY); elem->next = NULL; if (priority == RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY) { if (!q->hq_tail) { RF_ASSERT(q->hq_count == 0 && q->hq_head == NULL); q->hq_head = q->hq_tail = elem; } else { RF_ASSERT(q->hq_count != 0 && q->hq_head != NULL); q->hq_tail->next = elem; q->hq_tail = elem; } q->hq_count++; } else { RF_ASSERT(elem->next == NULL); if (rf_fifoDebug) { printf("raid%d: fifo: ENQ lopri\n", elem->raidPtr->raidid); } if (!q->lq_tail) { RF_ASSERT(q->lq_count == 0 && q->lq_head == NULL); q->lq_head = q->lq_tail = elem; } else { RF_ASSERT(q->lq_count != 0 && q->lq_head != NULL); q->lq_tail->next = elem; q->lq_tail = elem; } q->lq_count++; } if ((q->hq_count + q->lq_count) != elem->queue->queueLength) { printf("Queue lengths differ ! : %d %d %d\n", q->hq_count, q->lq_count, (int) elem->queue->queueLength); printf("%d %d %d %d\n", (int) elem->queue->numOutstanding, (int) elem->queue->maxOutstanding, (int) elem->queue->row, (int) elem->queue->col); } RF_ASSERT((q->hq_count + q->lq_count) == elem->queue->queueLength); } RF_DiskQueueData_t * rf_FifoDequeue(void *q_in) { RF_FifoHeader_t *q = (RF_FifoHeader_t *) q_in; RF_DiskQueueData_t *nd; RF_ASSERT(q); if (q->hq_head) { RF_ASSERT(q->hq_count != 0 && q->hq_tail != NULL); nd = q->hq_head; q->hq_head = q->hq_head->next; if (!q->hq_head) q->hq_tail = NULL; nd->next = NULL; q->hq_count--; } else if (q->lq_head) { RF_ASSERT(q->lq_count != 0 && q->lq_tail != NULL); nd = q->lq_head; q->lq_head = q->lq_head->next; if (!q->lq_head) q->lq_tail = NULL; nd->next = NULL; q->lq_count--; if (rf_fifoDebug) { printf("raid%d: fifo: DEQ lopri %lx\n", nd->raidPtr->raidid, (long) nd); } } else { RF_ASSERT(q->hq_count == 0 && q->lq_count == 0 && q->hq_tail == NULL && q->lq_tail == NULL); nd = NULL; } return (nd); } /* * Return ptr to item at head of queue. Used to examine request * info without actually dequeueing the request. */ RF_DiskQueueData_t * rf_FifoPeek(void *q_in) { RF_DiskQueueData_t *headElement = NULL; RF_FifoHeader_t *q = (RF_FifoHeader_t *) q_in; RF_ASSERT(q); if (q->hq_head) headElement = q->hq_head; else if (q->lq_head) headElement = q->lq_head; return (headElement); } /* * We sometimes need to promote a low priority access to a regular priority * access. Currently, this is only used when the user wants to write a stripe * that is currently under reconstruction. * This routine will promote all accesses tagged with the indicated * parityStripeID from the low priority queue to the end of the normal * priority queue. * We assume the queue is locked upon entry. */ int rf_FifoPromote(void *q_in, RF_StripeNum_t parityStripeID, RF_ReconUnitNum_t which_ru) { RF_FifoHeader_t *q = (RF_FifoHeader_t *) q_in; /* lp = lo-pri queue pointer, pt = trailer */ RF_DiskQueueData_t *lp = q->lq_head, *pt = NULL; int retval = 0; while (lp) { /* * Search for the indicated parity stripe in the low-pri queue. */ if (lp->parityStripeID == parityStripeID && lp->which_ru == which_ru) { /* printf("FifoPromote: promoting access for psid * %ld\n", parityStripeID); */ if (pt) /* Delete an entry other than the first. */ pt->next = lp->next; else /* Delete the head entry. */ q->lq_head = lp->next; if (!q->lq_head) /* We deleted the only entry. */ q->lq_tail = NULL; else if (lp == q->lq_tail) /* We deleted the tail entry. */ q->lq_tail = pt; lp->next = NULL; q->lq_count--; if (q->hq_tail) { q->hq_tail->next = lp; q->hq_tail = lp; } /* Append to hi-priority queue. */ else { q->hq_head = q->hq_tail = lp; } q->hq_count++; /* Deal with this later, if ever. */ /* UpdateShortestSeekFinishTimeForced(lp->requestPtr, * lp->diskState); */ /* Reset low-pri pointer and continue. */ lp = (pt) ? pt->next : q->lq_head; retval++; } else { pt = lp; lp = lp->next; } } /* * Sanity check. Delete this if you ever put more than one entry in * the low-pri queue. */ RF_ASSERT(retval == 0 || retval == 1); return (retval); }