/* $OpenBSD: rf_acctrace.h,v 1.3 2002/12/16 07:01:03 tdeval Exp $ */ /* $NetBSD: rf_acctrace.h,v 1.3 1999/02/05 00:06:06 oster Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Mark Holland * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /***************************************************************************** * * acctrace.h -- Header file for acctrace.c * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _RF__RF_ACCTRACE_H_ #define _RF__RF_ACCTRACE_H_ #include "rf_types.h" #include "rf_hist.h" #include "rf_etimer.h" typedef struct RF_user_acc_stats_s { RF_uint64 suspend_ovhd_us;/* * usec spent mucking in the * access-suspension code. */ RF_uint64 map_us; /* usec spent mapping the access. */ RF_uint64 lock_us; /* * usec spent locking & unlocking * stripes, including time spent * blocked. */ RF_uint64 dag_create_us; /* usec spent creating the DAGs. */ RF_uint64 dag_retry_us; /* * _total_ usec spent retrying the op * -- not broken down into components. */ RF_uint64 exec_us; /* usec spent in DispatchDAG. */ RF_uint64 exec_engine_us; /* * usec spent in engine, not including * blocking time. */ RF_uint64 cleanup_us; /* * usec spent tearing down the dag & * maps, and generally cleaning up. */ } RF_user_acc_stats_t; typedef struct RF_recon_acc_stats_s { RF_uint32 recon_start_to_fetch_us; RF_uint32 recon_fetch_to_return_us; RF_uint32 recon_return_to_submit_us; } RF_recon_acc_stats_t; typedef struct RF_acctrace_entry_s { union { RF_user_acc_stats_t user; RF_recon_acc_stats_t recon; } specific; RF_uint8 reconacc; /* * Whether this is a tracerec for a * user acc or a recon acc. */ RF_uint64 xor_us; /* usec spent doing XORs. */ RF_uint64 q_us; /* usec spent doing XORs. */ RF_uint64 plog_us; /* * usec spent waiting to stuff parity * into log. */ RF_uint64 diskqueue_us; /* * _total_ usec spent in disk queue(s), * incl concurrent ops. */ RF_uint64 diskwait_us; /* * _total_ usec spent actually waiting * on the disk, incl concurrent ops. */ RF_uint64 total_us; /* Total usec spent on this access. */ RF_uint64 num_phys_ios; /* Number of physical I/Os invoked. */ RF_uint64 phys_io_us; /* Time of physical I/O. */ RF_Etimer_t tot_timer; /* * A timer used to compute total * access time. */ RF_Etimer_t timer; /* * A generic timer val for timing * events that live across procedure * boundaries. */ RF_Etimer_t recon_timer; /* Generic timer for recon stuff. */ RF_uint64 index; } RF_AccTraceEntry_t; typedef struct RF_AccTotals_s { /* User acc stats. */ RF_uint64 suspend_ovhd_us; RF_uint64 map_us; RF_uint64 lock_us; RF_uint64 dag_create_us; RF_uint64 dag_retry_us; RF_uint64 exec_us; RF_uint64 exec_engine_us; RF_uint64 cleanup_us; RF_uint64 user_reccount; /* Recon acc stats. */ RF_uint64 recon_start_to_fetch_us; RF_uint64 recon_fetch_to_return_us; RF_uint64 recon_return_to_submit_us; RF_uint64 recon_io_overflow_count; RF_uint64 recon_phys_io_us; RF_uint64 recon_num_phys_ios; RF_uint64 recon_diskwait_us; RF_uint64 recon_reccount; /* Trace entry stats. */ RF_uint64 xor_us; RF_uint64 q_us; RF_uint64 plog_us; RF_uint64 diskqueue_us; RF_uint64 diskwait_us; RF_uint64 total_us; RF_uint64 num_log_ents; RF_uint64 phys_io_overflow_count; RF_uint64 num_phys_ios; RF_uint64 phys_io_us; RF_uint64 bigvals; /* Histograms. */ RF_Hist_t dw_hist[RF_HIST_NUM_BUCKETS]; RF_Hist_t tot_hist[RF_HIST_NUM_BUCKETS]; } RF_AccTotals_t; #if RF_UTILITY == 0 RF_DECLARE_EXTERN_MUTEX(rf_tracing_mutex); #endif /* RF_UTILITY == 0 */ int rf_ConfigureAccessTrace(RF_ShutdownList_t **); void rf_LogTraceRec(RF_Raid_t * raid, RF_AccTraceEntry_t *); void rf_FlushAccessTraceBuf(void); #endif /* !_RF__RF_ACCTRACE_H_ */