# $OpenBSD: Makefile.template,v 1.66 2013/06/04 22:58:11 sthen Exp $ COMMENT = real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer DISTNAME = goaccess-0.5 CATEGORIES = www HOMEPAGE = http://goaccess.prosoftcorp.com/ #MAINTAINER = ??? # Setting PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM=Yes defaults other PERMIT_* variables to Yes. PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes WANTLIB += c glib-2.0 m menu ncurses MASTER_SITES = ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=goaccess/} LIB_DEPENDS = devel/glib2 #TEST_DEPENDS = ??? #MAKE_FLAGS = ??? #MAKE_ENV = ??? #FAKE_FLAGS = ??? #TEST_FLAGS = ??? #SEPARATE_BUILD = Yes (build in a directory other than WRKSRC) #SEPARATE_BUILD = flavored (distinct flavors may share a common WRKSRC) USE_GMAKE = Yes #USE_GROFF = Yes #USE_LIBTOOL= gnu CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu #CONFIGURE_ARGS += ${CONFIGURE_SHARED} CONFIGURE_ENV = CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib" #TEST_IS_INTERACTIVE = Yes #NO_TEST = Yes #CFLAGS = ??? #LDFLAGS = ??? #MAKE_FILE = ??? #PKG_ARCH = ??? (* for arch-independent packages) #WRKDIST = ??? if other than ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME} #WRKSRC = ??? if other than ${WRKDIST} #WRKBUILD = ??? if other than ${WRKSRC} #WRKCONF = ??? if other than ${WRKBUILD} #TEST_TARGET = ??? .include