# $OpenBSD$ #ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = ??? #NOT_FOR_ARCHS = ??? #SHARED_ONLY = ??? #COMES_WITH = ??? #BROKEN = reason COMMENT = car navigation system with routing engine DISTNAME = navit-0.1.1 #SHARED_LIBS = ??? CATEGORIES = geo HOMEPAGE = http://navit.sourceforge.net #MAINTAINER = ??? # GPLv2 PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP = Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM =Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP = Yes #WANTLIB = ??? MASTER_SITES = ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=navit/} MODULES = textproc/intltool #BUILD_DEPENDS = ??? #RUN_DEPENDS = ??? #LIB_DEPENDS = ??? #REGRESS_DEPENDS = ??? #MAKE_FLAGS = ??? #MAKE_ENV = ??? #FAKE_FLAGS = ??? #REGRESS_FLAGS = ??? #SEPARATE_BUILD = concurrent (build simultaneously on all arches) #SEPARATE_BUILD = simple (configure/build still recreates files in source) #USE_X11 = Yes #USE_GMAKE = Yes # Programs that uses libtool should use this option, # unless there is a really good reason not to. #USE_LIBTOOL = Yes CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu #CONFIGURE_SCRIPT = ??? (if other than configure) #CONFIGURE_ARGS += ${CONFIGURE_SHARED} CONFIGURE_ENV = CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${X11BASE}/include" #REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE = Yes #FLAVORS = 1 2 3 a b #FLAVOR ?= # grab multiple choice value #CHOICE = ${FLAVOR:L:Na:Nb} # check that CHOICE is 1 OR 2 OR 3, or error out #.if ${CHOICE} == "1" # code for 1 #.elif ${CHOICE} == "2" # code for 2 #.elif ${CHOICE} == "3" # code for 3 #.else #ERRORS += "Fatal: Conflicting flavor: ${FLAVOR}" #.endif # check for switches #.if ${FLAVOR:L:Ma} # code for a #.endif #.if ${FLAVOR:L:Mb} # code for b #.endif #NO_REGRESS = Yes #CFLAGS = ??? #LDFLAGS = ??? #MAKE_FILE = ??? #PKG_ARCH = ??? #ALL_TARGET = ??? #INSTALL_TARGET = ??? #REGRESS_TARGET = ??? .include