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File: [local] / wpscripts / ztransfer / send.pm (download)

Revision 1.3, Fri Jul 1 12:44:28 2011 UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by yason
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +4 -201 lines

change paths, remove unused subs

# $Id: send.pm,v 1.3 2011/07/01 12:44:28 yason Exp $
package send;
use fetch;
use db;
use log;
use fileops;
use warnings;

# spool path constants (without leading slash)
our $SPOOL_ZAYAVKI        = "/mnt/archive/archive/wp/zayavki";
our $SPOOL_PROBAS         = "/mnt/archive/archive/wp/proba";
our $SPOOL_TMPDIR         = "/mnt/archive/archive/temp";

# temp variables for map table lookup
our $ret;
our $tmpd;
our $tmpf;

sub zayavki()
    my @dbids;
    my @localpaths;
    my @remotepaths;
    my $dbids_ref;
    my $localpaths_ref;
    my $i = 0;
    my $okay = 0;
    my $curfile;
    my $size_orig;
    my $size_arc;
    my $spool;
    my $delete;
    ($dbids_ref, $localpaths_ref) = fetch::zayavki_list();

    @dbids = @$dbids_ref;
    @localpaths = @$localpaths_ref;
    log::main("Fetched " . scalar(@localpaths) . " zayavki from database");
    log::zayavki("<<  Starting transfer process  >>");
    @remotepaths = @localpaths;	 # clone

	# check if there is a void element
	# ???
	next if(!$localpaths[$i]);
        # fill $spool with right spool directory
	if( db::get_tx_count($dbids[$i]) > 0 )
	    # retransmission
	    # set $spool to temporary directory to make backup collector happy :)
	    # in this case also let $delete = 1 (removing garbage after copy, as in old times)
	    # considering okay to not to check /usr/backup for availability
	    $spool = $SPOOL_TMPDIR;
	    $delete = 1; 
	    # this is the first time copy
	    # set $spool to backup spool directory
	    # and not to delete archive
	    $spool = $SPOOL_ZAYAVKI;
	    $delete = 0;

	# lookup in table first
	chomp( $tmpf = `basename $remotepaths[$i]` );
	chomp( $_ = `dirname $remotepaths[$i]` );
	$tmpd = hash::lookup($_);
	print "\$remotepaths[\$i] is $remotepaths[$i]  \$_ is $_  \$tmpd is $tmpd\n";
	if ( $tmpd ne '' )
	    $remotepaths[$i] =  $tmpd. "/". $tmpf;
	    # hardcoded
	    $remotepaths[$i] =~ s/\/mnt\/maket/\/mnt\/rmt_maket/;
	if(-e $remotepaths[$i] || -e $remotepaths[$i] . '.rar')
	    log::error("Remote file $remotepaths[$i] or $remotepaths[$i].rar already exists");
	    db::change_status($dbids[$i], 1);
	    # In this place we must be sure that local file is ok
	    if( -e $localpaths[$i] )
		# set $size_orig
		$size_orig = -s "$localpaths[$i]";
    		# rar and copy local file
	         chomp($curfile = `basename $localpaths[$i]`) , $curfile .= '.rar';
		 # two functions in log.pm makes newer versions of zlist happy
		 log::file_work_on($curfile, "rar");
		 log::zayavki("compressing '$localpaths[$i]' -> '$spool/$curfile'");
		 `/usr/local/bin/rar a -rr10% -ep '$spool/$curfile' '$localpaths[$i]'`;
		 if( ($? >> 8) == 0)
		    # rar exited successfully
		    	# set $size_arc
			$size_arc = -s "$spool/$curfile";
		    # it can be possible that file already uploaded by hand while rar copressed one
		    # so we should check for existence of archive in remote before send it
		    if( -e $remotepaths[$i] || -e $remotepaths[$i] . '.rar')
			log::error("Can not save $remotepaths[$i].rar cause of file has appeared after compressing");
			log::zayavki("Can not save $remotepaths[$i].rar cause of file has appeared after compressing");
			# file was uploaded by hand, let us change its status in db
			db::change_status($dbids[$i], 1);
#			log::file_work_done();
			# copy archive and then delete it from /usr/backup/spool
			log::zayavki("transferring $spool/$curfile -> $remotepaths[$i].rar");
			log::file_work_on($curfile, "copy");
			if( system("cp '$spool/$curfile' $remotepaths[$i].rar") == 0 )
			    # OKAY
			    log::zayavki("saved $localpaths[$i] -> $remotepaths[$i].rar [size_orig=$size_orig, size_arc=$size_arc]");
			    log::diff($localpaths[$i], $size_orig, $size_arc);
			    # update database
			    db::change_status($dbids[$i], 1);
			    db::write_size_orig($dbids[$i], $size_orig);
			    db::write_size_arc($dbids[$i], $size_arc);
			    # write ux_rpaths
			    db::write_ux_rpath($dbids[$i], "$remotepaths[$i].rar");
			    # increment tx_count
			    # error in the copy process
			    log::zayavki("error in copy process (see error log)");
			    log::error("error in copy process: $?");
			    # additional cleanup for log::file_work_on()
#			    log::file_work_done();
			# finally, delete $spool/XXXXX.rar if $delete
			    if( (system("/bin/rm -f '$spool/$curfile'")) == 0 )
				log::zayavki("removed temporary file $spool/$curfile");
				# /bin/rm exits with error
				log::zayavki("error while removing temporary file $spool/$curfile (see error log)");
				log::error("error while removing temporary file $spool/$curfile: $?");
		    # an error occurs in the archivation process
		    log::zayavki("error in archivation process (see error log)");
		    log::error("error in archivation process: $?");
		    # clean out compressed file in /usr/backup/spool on error
		    #system("/bin/rm -f '/usr/backup/spool/$curfile'");
		    `/bin/rm -f '$spool/$curfile'`;
		# error, local file doesn't exists
		log::error("Can not open local file $localpaths[$i]");
		log::zayavki("Can not open local file $localpaths[$i]");

	# next iteration of 'while' and increment of $i
# end while
    log::main("Saved $okay zayavki on remote host");
    log::zayavki("<<  End transfer process  >>");

sub probas()
    my @dbids;
    my @localpaths;
    my @remotepaths;
    my $dbids_ref;
    my $localpaths_ref;
    my $i = 0;
    my $okay = 0;
    my $curfile;
    my $size_orig;
    my $size_arc;

    my $spool;
    my $delete;
    ($dbids_ref, $localpaths_ref) = fetch::probas_list();

    @dbids = @$dbids_ref;
    @localpaths = @$localpaths_ref;
    log::main("Fetched " . scalar(@localpaths) . " probas from database");
    log::probas("<<  Starting transfer process  >>");
    @remotepaths = @localpaths;	 # clone

	# cloned from send::zayavki()
	# check if there is a void element
	# ???
	next if(!$localpaths[$i]);
        # fill $spool with right spool directory
	if( db::get_tx_count($dbids[$i]) > 0 )
	    # retransmission
	    # set $spool to temporary directory to make backup collector happy :)
	    # in this case also let $delete = 1 (removing garbage after copy, as in old times)
	    # considering okay to not to check /usr/backup for availability
	    $spool = $SPOOL_TMPDIR;
	    $delete = 1;
	    # this is the first time copy
	    # set $spool to backup spool directory
	    # and not to delete archive
	    $spool = $SPOOL_PROBAS;
	    $delete = 0;

	# lookup in table first
	chomp( $tmpf = `basename $remotepaths[$i]` );
	chomp( $_ = `dirname $remotepaths[$i]` );
	$tmpd = hash::lookup($_);
	if ( $tmpd ne '' )
	    $remotepaths[$i] =  $tmpd. "/". $tmpf;
	    # /mnt/maket/proba/* goes on /mnt/rmt_maket/proba/
	    substr($remotepaths[$i], 1, 2, 'mnt/rmt_maket');
	if(-e $remotepaths[$i] || -e $remotepaths[$i] . '.rar')
	    log::error("Remote file $remotepaths[$i] already exists");
	    db::change_status($dbids[$i], 1);
	    if( -e $localpaths[$i] )
		# rar and copy local file
		# set $size_orig
		$size_orig = -s "$localpaths[$i]";
	         chomp($curfile = `basename $localpaths[$i]`) , $curfile .= '.rar';
		 # two functions in log.pm makes newer versions of zlist happy
		 log::file_work_on($curfile, "rar");

		 log::probas("compressing '$localpaths[$i]' -> '$spool/$curfile'");

		`/usr/local/bin/rar a -rr10% -ep '$spool/$curfile' '$localpaths[$i]'`;
		 if( ($? >> 8) == 0)
		    # rar exited successfully
		    	# set $size_arc
			$size_arc = -s "$spool/$curfile";
		    # it can be possible that file already uploaded by hand while rar copressed one
		    # so we should check for existence of archive in remote before send it
		    if( -e $remotepaths[$i] || -e $remotepaths[$i] . '.rar')
			log::error("Can not save $remotepaths[$i].rar cause of file has appeared after compressing");
			log::probas("Can not save $remotepaths[$i].rar cause of file has appeared after compressing");
			db::change_status($dbids[$i], 1);
			# copy archive and then delete it from $spool
			log::file_work_on($curfile, "copy");
			log::probas("transferring $spool/$curfile -> $remotepaths[$i].rar");
			if( system("cp '$spool/$curfile' $remotepaths[$i].rar") == 0 )
			    log::probas("saved $localpaths[$i] -> $remotepaths[$i].rar [size_orig=$size_orig, size_arc=$size_arc]");
			    log::diff($localpaths[$i], $size_orig, $size_arc);
			    # update database
			    db::change_status($dbids[$i], 1);
			    db::write_size_orig($dbids[$i], $size_orig);
			    db::write_size_arc($dbids[$i], $size_arc);
			    db::write_ux_rpath($dbids[$i], "$remotepaths[$i].rar");

			    # increment tx_count
			    # error in the copy process
			    log::probas("error in copy process (see error log)");
			    log::error("error in copy process: $?");
			if ($delete)
			    # finally, delete $spool/XXXXX.rar
			    if( (system("/bin/rm -f '$spool/$curfile'")) == 0 )
				log::probas("removed temporary file $spool/$curfile");
				# /bin/rm exits with error
				log::probas("error while removing temporary file $spool/$curfile (see error log)");
				log::error("error while removing temporary file $spool/$curfile: $?");
			} # !$delete
		    # an error occurs in the archivation process
		    log::probas("error in archivation process (see error log)");
		    log::error("error in archivation process: $?");
		    system("/bin/rm -f '$spool/$curfile'");
		# error, local file doesn't exists
		log::error("Can not open local file $localpaths[$i]");
		log::probas("Can not open local file $localpaths[$i]");
	# next iteration of 'while' and increment of $i
    log::main("Saved $okay probas on remote host");
    log::probas("<<  End transfer process  >>");
