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File: [local] / wpscripts / zlist / zlist (download)

Revision 1.4, Tue Jul 19 17:02:54 2011 UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by yason
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +4 -3 lines

found solution for parsing path

# $Id: zlist,v 1.4 2011/07/19 17:02:54 yason Exp $
use DBI;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);

$| = 1;

# database
our $server = "pdc";
our $user = "sa";
our $pass = "aekghbynflvby";
our $dsn = "DBI:Sybase:server=$server";
our $sth;

# response handlers 
our @numcard;
our @time;
our @pri;
our @path;
our @size;
our @tx_count;

my $i;	# counter
my $total = 0; # total files

my $time1 = [gettimeofday];

# connect to database server

# select database

# fetch zayavki

my $time2 = [gettimeofday];

print GREEN "Время отклика от базы данных: " . tv_interval($time1, $time2) . " секунд\n". RESET;

if( ! -e "/var/run/ztransfer.lock")
	print YELLOW "ztransfer сейчас не запущен\n" . RESET;
	if( -e "/var/log/wpscripts/ztransfer/FILE" && -e "/var/log/ztransfer/ACTION")
	    open(CURRENT, "/var/log/wpscripts/ztransfer/FILE");
	    my $file = <CURRENT>;

	    open(CURRENT, "/var/log/wpscripts/ztransfer/ACTION");
	    my $action = <CURRENT>;
	    print "DEBUG: $file $action\n";
	    print YELLOW "ztransfer выполняется [ " . ($action eq 'rar' ? "сжимается " : "копируется ") . "$file ]\n" . RESET;
	    print YELLOW "ztransfer выполняется\n" . RESET;

# print out zayavki info
print BOLD WHITE ON_BLUE "Очередь заявок". RESET . " ($#numcard штук) :\n";
    $i = 0;
    while( ($numcard[$i]) )
	print "$numcard[$i]\t[ оформлено $time[$i],  приоритет=$pri[$i],  файл=$path[$i] (размер=$size[$i]), счётчик передач=$tx_count[$i] ]\n";
print "\n";

	# fetch probas
#	print "****** probas ($#numcard) ******\n";
	print BOLD WHITE ON_BLUE "Очередь цветопроб". RESET . " ($#numcard штук) :\n";
	$i = 0;
	while( ($numcard[$i]) )
	    print "$numcard[$i]\t[ оформлено $time[$i],  приоритет=$pri[$i],  файл=$path[$i] (размер=$size[$i]) ]\n";
	print "\n";

# print summary information
print BOLD WHITE . "Всего: " . RESET . "$total файлов в очереди на копирование в Заборье.\n";

# close connection

### database functions

sub db_connect()
    $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass) or die "unable to connect to server $DBI::errstr";

sub db_select()
    $dbh->do("use full_print");

sub db_fetch($)
    my $type_file = shift;
    my $i = 0;
    my $searchpath;

    $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT numcard,path,time_file,file_priority,tx_count FROM upload_files WHERE status=0 AND type_file=$type_file") or die "SQL prepare failed\n";
    $sth->execute( ) or die "unable to execute query $query   error $DBI::errstr";

    # zero elements
    $#numcard = $#path = $#time = $#pri = $#tx_count = 0;
    while( ($numcard[$i], $path[$i], $time[$i], $pri[$i], $tx_count[$i]) = $sth->fetchrow_array())
	# truncate spaces
	while( index($path[$i], ' ', 0) != -1 );
	# remove first 13 symbols in SMB path (\\fileserver\)
	$searchpath = substr($path[$i], 13);
	# hardcoded
	# remove first symbols to get only filename (i.e. \\fileserver\zayavki\ - 20 symbols)
	$path[$i] = substr($path[$i], 21) if ($type_file == 0);
#	$path[$i] = substr($path[$i], 34) if ($type_file == 1);
#	$path[$i] = substr($path[$i], 34) if ($type_file == 2);

    	    # make local file path
	    $searchpath =~ tr/\\/\//; 
	    $searchpath = '/mnt/maket/' . $searchpath;

#	    # follow symlink to achieve real path
#	    chomp( $_ = `dirname $searchpath | xargs /usr/bin/readlink` ); chomp( $searchpath = $_ . '/' . `basename $searchpath` );
	    # finally, get file size
	    $size[$i] = -s $searchpath;
	    $size[$i] = ($size[$i] > 1048576 ? int($size[$i] / 1024 / 1024) . " MB" : int($size[$i] / 1024) . " KB");
	    # this should work fine
	    $size[$i] = WHITE ON_RED . "файл не найден" . RESET if (! -e $searchpath);

sub db_disconnect()