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File: [local] / sys / sys / timetc.h (download)

Revision (vendor branch), Tue Mar 4 16:16:14 2008 UTC (16 years, 3 months ago) by nbrk
CVS Tags: jornada-partial-support-wip, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines

Import of OpenBSD 4.2 release kernel tree with initial code to support 
Jornada 720/728, StrongARM 1110-based handheld PC.
At this point kernel roots on NFS and boots into vfs_mountroot() and traps.
What is supported:
- glass console, Jornada framebuffer (jfb) works in 16bpp direct color mode
(needs some palette tweaks for non black/white/blue colors, i think)
- saic, SA11x0 interrupt controller (needs cleanup)
- sacom, SA11x0 UART (supported only as boot console for now)
- SA11x0 GPIO controller fully supported (but can't handle multiple interrupt
handlers on one gpio pin)
- sassp, SSP port on SA11x0 that attaches spibus
- Jornada microcontroller (jmcu) to control kbd, battery, etc throught
the SPI bus (wskbd attaches on jmcu, but not tested)
- tod functions seem work
- initial code for SA-1111 (chip companion) : this is TODO

Next important steps, i think:
- gpio and intc on sa1111
- pcmcia support for sa11x0 (and sa1111 help logic)
- REAL root on nfs when we have PCMCIA support (we may use any of supported pccard NICs)
- root on wd0! (using already supported PCMCIA-ATA)

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
 * <phk@FreeBSD.ORG> wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
 * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
 * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.   Poul-Henning Kamp
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * $OpenBSD: timetc.h,v 1.2 2006/10/30 20:19:33 otto Exp $
 * $FreeBSD: src/sys/sys/timetc.h,v 1.57 2003/04/10 23:07:24 des Exp $

#ifndef _SYS_TIMETC_H_
#define	_SYS_TIMETC_H_

#ifndef _KERNEL
#error "no user-serviceable parts inside"

 * `struct timecounter' is the interface between the hardware which implements
 * a timecounter and the MI code which uses this to keep track of time.
 * A timecounter is a binary counter which has two properties:
 *    * it runs at a fixed, known frequency.
 *    * it has sufficient bits to not roll over in less than approximately
 *      max(2 msec, 2/HZ seconds).  (The value 2 here is really 1 + delta,
 *      for some indeterminate value of delta.)

struct timecounter;
typedef u_int timecounter_get_t(struct timecounter *);
typedef void timecounter_pps_t(struct timecounter *);

struct timecounter {
	timecounter_get_t	*tc_get_timecount;
		 * This function reads the counter.  It is not required to
		 * mask any unimplemented bits out, as long as they are
		 * constant.
	timecounter_pps_t	*tc_poll_pps;
		 * This function is optional.  It will be called whenever the
		 * timecounter is rewound, and is intended to check for PPS
		 * events.  Normal hardware does not need it but timecounters
		 * which latch PPS in hardware (like sys/pci/xrpu.c) do.
	u_int 			tc_counter_mask;
		/* This mask should mask off any unimplemented bits. */
	u_int64_t		tc_frequency;
		/* Frequency of the counter in Hz. */
	char			*tc_name;
		/* Name of the timecounter. */
	int			tc_quality;
		 * Used to determine if this timecounter is better than
		 * another timecounter higher means better.  Negative
		 * means "only use at explicit request".
	void			*tc_priv;
		/* Pointer to the timecounter's private parts. */
	struct timecounter	*tc_next;
		/* Pointer to the next timecounter. */
	int64_t			tc_freq_adj;
		/* Current frequency adjustment. */

extern struct timecounter *timecounter;

u_int64_t tc_getfrequency(void);
void	tc_init(struct timecounter *tc);
void	tc_setclock(struct timespec *ts);
void	tc_ticktock(void);
void	inittimecounter(void);
int	sysctl_tc(int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, void *, size_t);
int	tc_adjfreq(int64_t *, int64_t *);

#endif /* !_SYS_TIMETC_H_ */