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Annotation of sys/lib/libkern/arch/m88k/copy_subr.S, Revision

1.1       nbrk        1: /*     $OpenBSD: copy_subr.S,v 1.1 2006/11/17 22:32:38 miod Exp $      */
                      2: /*
                      3:  * Mach Operating System
                      4:  * Copyright (c) 1993-1992 Carnegie Mellon University
                      5:  * Copyright (c) 1991 OMRON Corporation
                      6:  * Copyright (c) 1996 Nivas Madhur
                      7:  * Copyright (c) 1998 Steve Murphree, Jr.
                      8:  * All Rights Reserved.
                      9:  *
                     10:  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
                     11:  * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
                     12:  * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
                     13:  * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
                     14:  * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
                     15:  *
                     19:  *
                     20:  * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
                     21:  *
                     22:  *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
                     23:  *  School of Computer Science
                     24:  *  Carnegie Mellon University
                     25:  *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
                     26:  *
                     27:  * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
                     28:  * rights to redistribute these changes.
                     29:  */
                     31: #include <machine/asm.h>
                     33: /*
                     34:  * copy count bytes of data from source to destination
                     35:  * Don Harper (don@omron.co.jp), Omron Corporation.
                     36:  */
                     38: #if defined(MEMCPY) || defined(MEMMOVE)
                     39: #define        SRC     r3
                     40: #define        DST     r2
                     41: #define        SAVE    r5
                     42: #else
                     43: #define        SRC     r2
                     44: #define        DST     r3
                     45: #endif
                     46: #define        LEN     r4
                     48: #ifdef MEMCPY
                     49: ENTRY(memcpy)
                     50: #endif
                     51: #ifdef MEMMOVE
                     52: ENTRY(memmove)
                     53: #endif
                     54: #ifdef BCOPY
                     55: ENTRY(bcopy)
                     56: #endif
                     57: #ifdef OVBCOPY
                     58: ENTRY(ovbcopy)
                     59: #endif
                     61: #if defined(MEMCPY) || defined(MEMMOVE)
                     62:        or      SAVE, DST, r0
                     63: #endif
                     65:        bcnd    eq0,LEN,_ASM_LABEL(bcopy_out)   /* nothing to do if == 0 */
                     67: /*
                     68:  * check position of source and destination data
                     69:  */
                     70:        cmp     r9,SRC,DST      /* compare source address to destination */
                     71:        bb1     eq,r9,_ASM_LABEL(bcopy_out)     /* nothing to do if equal */
                     72: #if defined(MEMMOVE) || defined(OVBCOPY)
                     73:        bb1     lo,r9,_ASM_LABEL(bcopy_reverse) /* reverse copy if src < dest */
                     74: #endif
                     76: /*
                     77:  * source address is greater than destination address, or we do
                     78:  * not have to care about overlapping areas: copy forward
                     79:  */
                     80:        cmp     r9,LEN,16       /* see if we have at least 16 bytes */
                     81:        bb1     lt,r9,_ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)   /* copy bytes for small data length */
                     82: /*
                     83:  * determine copy strategy based on alignment of source and destination
                     84:  */
                     85:        mask    r6,SRC,3        /* get 2 low order bits of source address */
                     86:        mask    r7,DST,3        /* get 2 low order bits of destintation addr */
                     87:        mak     r6,r6,0<4>      /* convert source bits to table offset */
                     88:        mak     r7,r7,0<2>      /* convert destination bits to table offset */
                     89:        or.u    r12,r0,hi16(_ASM_LABEL(f_strat))
                     90:        or      r12,r12,lo16(_ASM_LABEL(f_strat))
                     91:        addu    r6,r6,r7        /* compute final table offset for strategy */
                     92:        ld      r12,r12,r6      /* load the strategy routine */
                     93:        jmp     r12             /* branch to strategy routine */
                     95: /*
                     96:  * Copy three bytes from src to destination then copy words
                     97:  */
                     98: ASLOCAL(f_3byte_word_copy)
                     99:        ld.bu   r6,SRC,0        /* load byte from source */
                    100:        ld.bu   r7,SRC,1        /* load byte from source */
                    101:        ld.bu   r8,SRC,2        /* load byte from source */
                    102:        st.b    r6,DST,0        /* store byte to destination */
                    103:        st.b    r7,DST,1        /* store byte to destination */
                    104:        st.b    r8,DST,2        /* store byte to destination */
                    105:        addu    SRC,SRC,3       /* increment source pointer */
                    106:        addu    DST,DST,3       /* increment destination pointer */
                    107:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(f_word_copy) /* copy full words */
                    108:         subu   LEN,LEN,3       /* decrement length */
                    110: /*
                    111:  * Copy 1 halfword from src to destination then copy words
                    112:  */
                    113: ASLOCAL(f_1half_word_copy)
                    114:        ld.hu   r6,SRC,0        /* load half-word from source */
                    115:        st.h    r6,DST,0        /* store half-word to destination */
                    116:        addu    SRC,SRC,2       /* increment source pointer */
                    117:        addu    DST,DST,2       /* increment destination pointer */
                    118:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(f_word_copy) /* copy full words */
                    119:         subu   LEN,LEN,2       /* decrement remaining length */
                    121: /*
                    122:  * Copy 1 byte from src to destination then copy words
                    123:  */
                    124: ASLOCAL(f_1byte_word_copy)
                    125:        ld.bu   r6,SRC,0        /* load 1 byte from source */
                    126:        st.b    r6,DST,0        /* store 1 byte to destination */
                    127:        addu    SRC,SRC,1       /* increment source pointer */
                    128:        addu    DST,DST,1       /* increment destination pointer */
                    129:        subu    LEN,LEN,1       /* decrement remaining length */
                    130:        /* FALLTHROUGH */
                    131: /*
                    132:  * Copy as many full words as possible, 4 words per loop
                    133:  */
                    134: ASLOCAL(f_word_copy)
                    135:        cmp     r10,LEN,16      /* see if we have 16 bytes remaining */
                    136:        bb1     lo,r10,_ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)  /* not enough left, copy bytes */
                    137:        ld      r6,SRC,0        /* load first word */
                    138:        ld      r7,SRC,4        /* load second word */
                    139:        ld      r8,SRC,8        /* load third word */
                    140:        ld      r9,SRC,12       /* load fourth word */
                    141:        st      r6,DST,0        /* store first word */
                    142:        st      r7,DST,4        /* store second word */
                    143:        st      r8,DST,8        /* store third word */
                    144:        st      r9,DST,12       /* store fourth word */
                    145:        addu    SRC,SRC,16      /* increment source pointer */
                    146:        addu    DST,DST,16      /* increment destination pointer */
                    147:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(f_word_copy) /* branch to copy another block */
                    148:         subu   LEN,LEN,16      /* decrement remaining length */
                    150: ASLOCAL(f_1byte_half_copy)
                    151:        ld.bu   r6,SRC,0        /* load 1 byte from source */
                    152:        st.b    r6,DST,0        /* store 1 byte to destination */
                    153:        addu    SRC,SRC,1       /* increment source pointer */
                    154:        addu    DST,DST,1       /* increment destination pointer */
                    155:        subu    LEN,LEN,1       /* decrement remaining length */
                    156:        /* FALLTHROUGH */
                    158: ASLOCAL(f_half_copy)
                    159:        cmp     r10,LEN,16      /* see if we have 16 bytes remaining */
                    160:        bb1     lo,r10,_ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)  /* not enough left, copy bytes */
                    161:        ld.hu   r6,SRC,0        /* load first half-word */
                    162:        ld.hu   r7,SRC,2        /* load second half-word */
                    163:        ld.hu   r8,SRC,4        /* load third half-word */
                    164:        ld.hu   r9,SRC,6        /* load fourth half-word */
                    165:        ld.hu   r10,SRC,8       /* load fifth half-word */
                    166:        ld.hu   r11,SRC,10      /* load sixth half-word */
                    167:        ld.hu   r12,SRC,12      /* load seventh half-word */
                    168:        ld.hu   r13,SRC,14      /* load eighth half-word */
                    169:        st.h    r6,DST,0        /* store first half-word */
                    170:        st.h    r7,DST,2        /* store second half-word */
                    171:        st.h    r8,DST,4        /* store third half-word */
                    172:        st.h    r9,DST,6        /* store fourth half-word */
                    173:        st.h    r10,DST,8       /* store fifth half-word */
                    174:        st.h    r11,DST,10      /* store sixth half-word */
                    175:        st.h    r12,DST,12      /* store seventh half-word */
                    176:        st.h    r13,DST,14      /* store eighth half-word */
                    177:        addu    SRC,SRC,16      /* increment source pointer */
                    178:        addu    DST,DST,16      /* increment destination pointer */
                    179:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(f_half_copy) /* branch to copy another block */
                    180:         subu   LEN,LEN,16      /* decrement remaining length */
                    182: ASLOCAL(f_byte_copy)
                    183:        bcnd    eq0,LEN,_ASM_LABEL(bcopy_out)   /* branch if nothing left to copy */
                    184:        ld.bu   r6,SRC,0        /* load byte from source */
                    185:        st.b    r6,DST,0        /* store byte in destination */
                    186:        addu    SRC,SRC,1       /* increment source pointer */
                    187:        addu    DST,DST,1       /* increment destination pointer */
                    188:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy) /* branch for next byte */
                    189:         subu   LEN,LEN,1       /* decrement remaining length */
                    191: #if defined(MEMMOVE) || defined(OVBCOPY)
                    192: /*
                    193:  * source address is less than destination address, copy in reverse
                    194:  */
                    195: ASLOCAL(bcopy_reverse)
                    196: /*
                    197:  * start copy pointers at end of data
                    198:  */
                    199:        addu    SRC,SRC,LEN     /* start source at end of data */
                    200:        addu    DST,DST,LEN     /* start destination at end of data */
                    201: /*
                    202:  * check for short data
                    203:  */
                    204:        cmp     r9,LEN,16       /* see if we have at least 16 bytes */
                    205:        bb1     lt,r9,_ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)   /* copy bytes for small data length */
                    206: /*
                    207:  *     determine copy strategy based on alignment of source and destination
                    208:  */
                    209:        mask    r6,SRC,3        /* get 2 low order bits of source address */
                    210:        mask    r7,DST,3        /* get 2 low order bits of destintation addr */
                    211:        mak     r6,r6,0<4>      /* convert source bits to table offset */
                    212:        mak     r7,r7,0<2>      /* convert destination bits to table offset */
                    213:        or.u    r12,r0,hi16(_ASM_LABEL(r_strat))
                    214:        or      r12,r12,lo16(_ASM_LABEL(r_strat))
                    215:        addu    r6,r6,r7        /* compute final table offset for strategy */
                    216:        ld      r12,r12,r6      /* load the strategy routine */
                    217:        jmp     r12             /* branch to strategy routine */
                    219: /*
                    220:  * Copy three bytes from src to destination then copy words
                    221:  */
                    222: ASLOCAL(r_3byte_word_copy)
                    223:        subu    SRC,SRC,3       /* decrement source pointer */
                    224:        subu    DST,DST,3       /* decrement destination pointer */
                    225:        ld.bu   r6,SRC,0        /* load byte from source */
                    226:        ld.bu   r7,SRC,1        /* load byte from source */
                    227:        ld.bu   r8,SRC,2        /* load byte from source */
                    228:        st.b    r6,DST,0        /* store byte to destination */
                    229:        st.b    r7,DST,1        /* store byte to destination */
                    230:        st.b    r8,DST,2        /* store byte to destination */
                    231:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(r_word_copy) /* copy full words */
                    232:         subu   LEN,LEN,3       /* decrement length */
                    234: /*
                    235:  * Copy 1 halfword from src to destination then copy words
                    236:  */
                    237: ASLOCAL(r_1half_word_copy)
                    238:        subu    SRC,SRC,2       /* decrement source pointer */
                    239:        subu    DST,DST,2       /* decrement destination pointer */
                    240:        ld.hu   r6,SRC,0        /* load half-word from source */
                    241:        st.h    r6,DST,0        /* store half-word to destination */
                    242:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(r_word_copy) /* copy full words */
                    243:         subu   LEN,LEN,2       /* decrement remaining length */
                    245: /*
                    246:  * Copy 1 byte from src to destination then copy words
                    247:  */
                    248: ASLOCAL(r_1byte_word_copy)
                    249:        subu    SRC,SRC,1       /* decrement source pointer */
                    250:        subu    DST,DST,1       /* decrement destination pointer */
                    251:        ld.bu   r6,SRC,0        /* load 1 byte from source */
                    252:        st.b    r6,DST,0        /* store 1 byte to destination */
                    253:        subu    LEN,LEN,1       /* decrement remaining length */
                    254:        /* FALLTHROUGH */
                    255: /*
                    256:  * Copy as many full words as possible, 4 words per loop
                    257:  */
                    258: ASLOCAL(r_word_copy)
                    259:        cmp     r10,LEN,16      /* see if we have 16 bytes remaining */
                    260:        bb1     lo,r10,_ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)  /* not enough left, copy bytes */
                    261:        subu    SRC,SRC,16      /* decrement source pointer */
                    262:        subu    DST,DST,16      /* decrement destination pointer */
                    263:        ld      r6,SRC,0        /* load first word */
                    264:        ld      r7,SRC,4        /* load second word */
                    265:        ld      r8,SRC,8        /* load third word */
                    266:        ld      r9,SRC,12       /* load fourth word */
                    267:        st      r6,DST,0        /* store first word */
                    268:        st      r7,DST,4        /* store second word */
                    269:        st      r8,DST,8        /* store third word */
                    270:        st      r9,DST,12       /* store fourth word */
                    271:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(r_word_copy) /* branch to copy another block */
                    272:         subu   LEN,LEN,16      /* decrement remaining length */
                    274: ASLOCAL(r_1byte_half_copy)
                    275:        subu    SRC,SRC,1       /* decrement source pointer */
                    276:        subu    DST,DST,1       /* decrement destination pointer */
                    277:        ld.bu   r6,SRC,0        /* load 1 byte from source */
                    278:        st.b    r6,DST,0        /* store 1 byte to destination */
                    279:        subu    LEN,LEN,1       /* decrement remaining length */
                    280:        /* FALLTHROUGH */
                    282: ASLOCAL(r_half_copy)
                    283:        cmp     r10,LEN,16      /* see if we have 16 bytes remaining */
                    284:        bb1     lo,r10,_ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)  /* not enough left, copy bytes */
                    285:        subu    SRC,SRC,16      /* decrement source pointer */
                    286:        subu    DST,DST,16      /* decrement destination pointer */
                    287:        ld.hu   r6,SRC,0        /* load first half-word */
                    288:        ld.hu   r7,SRC,2        /* load second half-word */
                    289:        ld.hu   r8,SRC,4        /* load third half-word */
                    290:        ld.hu   r9,SRC,6        /* load fourth half-word */
                    291:        ld.hu   r10,SRC,8       /* load fifth half-word */
                    292:        ld.hu   r11,SRC,10      /* load sixth half-word */
                    293:        ld.hu   r12,SRC,12      /* load seventh half-word */
                    294:        ld.hu   r13,SRC,14      /* load eighth half-word */
                    295:        st.h    r6,DST,0        /* store first half-word */
                    296:        st.h    r7,DST,2        /* store second half-word */
                    297:        st.h    r8,DST,4        /* store third half-word */
                    298:        st.h    r9,DST,6        /* store fourth half-word */
                    299:        st.h    r10,DST,8       /* store fifth half-word */
                    300:        st.h    r11,DST,10      /* store sixth half-word */
                    301:        st.h    r12,DST,12      /* store seventh half-word */
                    302:        st.h    r13,DST,14      /* store eighth half-word */
                    303:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(r_half_copy) /* branch to copy another block */
                    304:         subu   LEN,LEN,16      /* decrement remaining length */
                    306: ASLOCAL(r_byte_copy)
                    307:        bcnd    eq0,LEN,_ASM_LABEL(bcopy_out)   /* branch if nothing left to copy */
                    308:        subu    SRC,SRC,1               /* decrement source pointer */
                    309:        subu    DST,DST,1               /* decrement destination pointer */
                    310:        ld.bu   r6,SRC,0                /* load byte from source */
                    311:        st.b    r6,DST,0                /* store byte in destination */
                    312:        br.n    _ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy) /* branch for next byte */
                    313:         subu   LEN,LEN,1               /* decrement remaining length */
                    314: #endif /* MEMMOVE || OVBCOPY */
                    316: ASLOCAL(bcopy_out)
                    317: #if defined(MEMCPY) || defined(MEMMOVE)
                    318:        jmp.n   r1              /* all done, return to caller */
                    319:         or     r2, SAVE, r0
                    320: #else
                    321:        jmp     r1              /* all done, return to caller */
                    322: #endif
                    324:        data
                    325:        align   4
                    326: ASLOCAL(f_strat)
                    327:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_word_copy)
                    328:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)
                    329:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_half_copy)
                    330:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)
                    331:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)
                    332:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_3byte_word_copy)
                    333:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)
                    334:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_1byte_half_copy)
                    335:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_half_copy)
                    336:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)
                    337:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_1half_word_copy)
                    338:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)
                    339:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)
                    340:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_1byte_half_copy)
                    341:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_byte_copy)
                    342:        word    _ASM_LABEL(f_1byte_word_copy)
                    344: #if defined(MEMMOVE) || defined(OVBCOPY)
                    345: ASLOCAL(r_strat)
                    346:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_word_copy)
                    347:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)
                    348:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_half_copy)
                    349:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)
                    350:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)
                    351:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_1byte_word_copy)
                    352:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)
                    353:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_1byte_half_copy)
                    354:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_half_copy)
                    355:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)
                    356:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_1half_word_copy)
                    357:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)
                    358:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)
                    359:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_1byte_half_copy)
                    360:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_byte_copy)
                    361:        word    _ASM_LABEL(r_3byte_word_copy)
                    362: #endif
