[BACK]Return to TODO CVS log [TXT][DIR] Up to [local] / sys / dev / raidframe

Annotation of sys/dev/raidframe/TODO, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! nbrk        1: rf_debugprint.c -- redesign to use real circular queue
        !             2: Dprintf -- use the 'DPRINTF((...));' form like in FW stuff
        !             3: rf_freelist.h -- get rid of those macro usage !!!
        !             4:
        !             5: rf_driver.c
        !             6: rf_memchunk.c
        !             7: rf_openbsdkintf.c
        !             8: rf_revent.c
        !             9: rf_states.c
        !            10: rf_threadstuff.c
        !            11:
