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Annotation of qmapshack/qmapshack/pkg/PLIST, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! kirby       1: @comment $OpenBSD$
        !             2: @bin bin/qmapshack
        !             3: @man man/man1/qmapshack.1
        !             4: share/applications/qmapshack.desktop
        !             5: share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/QMapShack.png
        !             6: share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/QMapShack.png
        !             7: share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/QMapShack.svg
        !             8: share/pixmaps/
        !             9: share/pixmaps/QMapShack.png
        !            10: share/qmapshack/
        !            11: share/qmapshack/translations/
        !            12: share/qmapshack/translations/qmapshack_cs.qm
        !            13: share/qmapshack/translations/qmapshack_de.qm
        !            14: share/qmapshack/translations/qmapshack_es.qm
        !            15: share/qmapshack/translations/qmapshack_fr.qm
        !            16: share/qmapshack/translations/qmapshack_nl.qm
        !            17: @exec %D/bin/update-desktop-database
        !            18: @unexec-delete %D/bin/update-desktop-database
        !            19: @exec %D/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t %D/share/icons/hicolor
        !            20: @unexec-delete %D/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t %D/share/icons/hicolor
