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File: [local] / ports / games / fheroes2 / files / Attic / fheroes2 (download)

Revision 1.1, Sun Nov 13 21:41:23 2011 UTC (12 years, 7 months ago) by yason
Branch: MAIN

Initial revision


# The executable needs to be run from its data directory, and needs to store
# configuration in it. We therefore mirror the data directory hierarchy in
# ~/.flare, and create symlinks to the data files.

if [ -d ~/.flare ]
        echo "Using existing ~/.flare directory."
        echo "Creating ~/.flare directory."
        cd %%DATADIR%% || exit 1
        find . -type d  \! \( -name config \) -exec mkdir -p ~/.flare/{} \;
        find * -type f -exec ln -s %%DATADIR%%/{} ~/.flare/{} \; 2>/dev/null
	mkdir ~/.flare/config ~/.flare/saves
        cp -f %%DATADIR%%/config/keybindings.txt ~/.flare/config/
        cp -f %%DATADIR%%/config/settings.txt ~/.flare/config/
        chmod 640 ~/.flare/config/keybindings.txt ~/.flare/config/settings.txt

cd ~/.flare || exit 1
echo "Loading..."
exec %%DATADIR%%/flare "$@"